Termless EBH Searching

Below are instructions for 'termless' approach to the EBHC Pyramid 5.0 search strategy (DOI: 10.1136/ebmed-2016-110447). This work is based on difficulties in teaching traditional searching (Badgett RG, Paukert JL, Levy LS. Teaching clinical informatics to third-year medical students: negative results from two controlled trials. BMC Med Educ. 2001 PMID: 11532204 Opens in new window; PMCID: PMC48153.)

Identifying an example topic for this lesson

Groundwork before searching

Termless searching

  • If you already have an article you found elsewhere, enter its PMID at PubMed then use that citation in place of our examples in the slide decks below.
  • 1. Getting articles that cite your article from PubMed

    PubMedOpens in new window (opens in new window)
    You can get more citations from Scholar if you copy your article's title into Scholar, but Scholar does not have filters.

    2. Getting similar articles from PubMed

    PubMedOpens in new window (opens in new window)
    Questions: rbadgett@kumc.edu