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MEDLINE searching: choosing search terms

Make initial choices of search terms by reviewing the index terms of the articles that you aready have. You can do this by clicking the link, "Publication Types, MeSH Terms, Substances," below a PubMed abstract

If you are having trouble finding articles on your topic, try the Google search below, but replace "hypertension" with your search terms. Please let me know what search terms you use if you use this Google search.


Once you have a PubMed collection with a few articles, group the terms as below:

Traditional components of a clinical question. Is this component important when appraising validity of articles? But do you need to include this component in your search terms?
Patient, population Yes almost always
(Treatment or test)
Yes usually, but sometimes not needed if only a few articles remain after combining patient/population with filter
Comparison Yes rarely
Outcome Yes sometimes


Next page (executing the search)
Questions: rbadgett@kumc.edu