Health Policy Information

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Target sites are chosen because they have presented both sides of debates, been critical of both American political parties, and have origins or staff that are mixed conservative and liberal. Please send suggestions of comments to

4. Expert Opinions

Council of Economic Advisers

This is an excellent resource for the strategy of looking for the best opinion from each side of the debate. More about the CEA at Wikipedia.
CEA list of reports (Use Ctrl+F to search for health)

1. Glossaries of terms related to health care reform

  • Try this first: MeSH Void searching with abbreviations. Use complete names.(National Library of Medicine)
  • Kaiser's Glossary

2. Descriptive information about specific proposals

Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports
Kaiser Family Foundation

Assessing quality of evidence

  • RCTs and meta-analyses of RCTs
  • Non-randomized studies of interventions. May use interupted time series analysis to reduce bias from secular trends.
    • Concurrent controls: Ecologial studies, controlled before-after studies, cohort studies
    • Historical controls: Before-after studies
  • Non-controlled studies of interventions (case reports, case series)
  • Expert opinions