Using a two-dimensional display to guide selection of citations

Citations can be plotted in two-dimensions using date of publication and projected quality of the article or the journal it is published in. In this demonstration, quality is projected by the quality of the journal as measured by the Article Influence (AI) Score
Example using list of PMIDs from the trials included in the meta-analysis by Abourbih (2009) (does not include subsequently published ACCORD trial) This frontier performs best when it is wide.
Example using list of PMIDs from the trials included in the meta-analysis by Kansagara (2011)
Example using list of PMIDs from the trials included in the meta-analysis by Musini (2009) This frontier performs best when it is wide.
Input type:
Include related citations:
Frontier width:

Frontier width?

  • 0.52 is the width between the NEJM and JAMA
  • 0.55 is the width between the JAMA and the Annals of Internal Medicine
Privilege evidence-based sources:

Privilege evidence-based sources?

  • If clicked, then the article influence score of articles by known providers of evidence-based resources such as the Cochrane, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and others, will be set equal to JAMA.
  • This option has not been formally tested. It may cause trials with article influence less than JAMA and published between the date of the search by the evidence-based review and the date of publication of the review to be removed from the frontier.
Abstract required:
Citation to highlight
Options for publication:
Color graphics:   -  Citation start number
- - - Please click once.